Everyone in the world must have a management to be able to live with on a regular and also good. Similarly, the people in Japan, must have a different management systems with the management of people in Indonesia.
As quoted in aljurem.wordpress.com, Japanese people management provides an emphasis terhapa workers as well as the principal amount of the most important in a company. In this case managers in Japan to use the system for its workers lifetime.pengertian akuntansi
The positive impact of the policy, the first in the system ensures the continuity of the fiber strength of workers and encouraging workers to participate participation in the management area perusahaa.
For both when workers mampunyai sense of security in the company, they're having a positive innovation and technology weapons anyway. Unlike in the western world, workers in Japan welcomes the robot factory.
In Japan also established a harmonious relationship anar workers and managers, so there is no conflict. It is no excuse, the first absence of a strong class differences. And the second was enough educated workers in Japan, which has a high motivation is also a result of higher education as well.
Japanese society is also not mengenl word "self", but the work tim.yang where semngat work the team has been ingrained in the Japanese family. This is also shown by the awards dituukan to groups rather than individuals.contoh laporan keuangan
Management of the Japanese
we should be able to use the time well (image: Google)
According to an expert of The Nomura Research Institute Takeo Fujisawa found that 90% of Japanese management approach similar to the West, but there is a 5% that makes all the difference. Because in the last 5% of the most fundamental aspects, namely human approach complete makeover.
In this case also the spiritual needs are as important as material needs. This is a balance that allows workers in Japan have high productivity.
Attention to all human factors such as culture, history, and religion became a production unit in a Japanese management has made the world's attention was stunned.
Japanese management approach has succeeded in making Japan's status as one of the economic giants. This is reinforced by a report from the World Deveoplment World Bank Report 1993 Japan's per capita income reached $ 26,930 / year.
Yet in the same year the USA is only $ 22,240 / year, while for Indonesia itself is quite far behind at only $ 600 / year. Plus Japan merupakkan member of the G7, which members of the organization tersbut is a rich country.cara membuat instagram
But in the 1990s Jepag experiencing economic issue, it is associated with a weakening Yen which bad debt caused by the incorrect bank manajemn. But Japan only experiencing economic recession rather than the economic mess.
In the 1970s, Japan experienced the peak of economic growth, which makes other nations will be amazed Japanese-style management that makes prosperity for its people. People also enjoy the fruits of development by the State.
Companies growing rapidly, both in large and small. There are three pillars of the company's management Yag Japan namely, lifetime employment system on a firm course, seniority, and unions based company.
These three pillars elah contribute a lot to the existing companies in Japan, well developed so as to make the Japanese economy is growing rapidly.
But there is one strategy that also stand out from the Japanese management, which is Kaizen.
So first explanation of the pattern of the Japanese management. May be useful for us all, thank you for reading our article. And I'll see you in another article.