
Thursday, May 12, 2016

What is the Enterprise Management?

we often discuss about management, we repeat again manuisa management are all activities within an organization using the resources and facilities necessary to achieve certain goals.Peluang Bisnis

While entrepreneurship itself is the creator of something else premises use of time and the activities which accompanied a risk and its capital and receive remuneration as well as the satisfaction and personal freedom.

It involves all the entrepreneurial management in the company. To become an entrepreneur should have the following four competencies:

Focused on basic rather than technology
Create a forecast of funding in order to avoid not terbiayainya companiesManajemen

Arise manajmene team, not individuals
Give specific role for entrepreneurial inventor
mmanajemen entrepreneurship
lompatilah any obstacles (image: Google)

This entrepreneurial management regarding the internal environment so will involve internal and external capabilities in order to compete premises using strategic decisions. Here are four strategies that are often used by entrepreneurs:

Being first to market with new products
Outstanding new products in an underserved segment
Focus on reluctant small market product but can survive
Changing product and market / industry
For the first strategy diguankan strain but many risks. If successful living to sustain market leadership.

The second strategy, creativity is used to capture the opportunities that exist. Usually many imitiator only improve existing products that have a higher value.

Thirdly, the strategy usually digunakn the company based on innovation. That will be done by changing the existing products.

Decisions that can be used in the enterprise is growing,

The company's products, manyangkut question, what customers want? The changing needs can be determined tdak?
The strategy involves penetration and market expansion, product diversification, regional integration or business expansion
Staregi strategies in order to modify the existing ones in order to face competition
Pricing in the short or long term
The company's interaction with the wider community
The influence of influencing the growth of liquidity problems.usaha rumahan

The ability to obtain investor
analysis of HR
Analyze a good contender
Business planning is sutau mission report containing the proposal, operational details of their operations and management kemempuana. While its function, as a guide to obtain a goal, as a tool for mpengajuan capital from outsiders.

As for the financial management aspects, as follows:

Aspects of the source of funds, from internal and external
And planning aspects of the use of funds, the initial cost, financial projections, analysis of the principal return
aspects of supervision
Well here are techniques and marketing strategies

marketing planning
marketing mix
New business marketing tips

Pelulang Usaha

6 That Must Reads Book Management

Sometimes we are confused in choosing books manejemen. Whether so many references or anything. We know that each year the Management books written and ditrbusikan.Manajemen

Which contained only books that adorn the shelves of book stores. But there is also a god of the JV management. Here are 6 book you must read. This selection is from my subjective.

Not that bukulainnya ugly but a book that I deem appropriate for a reference for you to learn management.

decent crowned as the best management books of all time.

1.The Practice of Management by Peter F. Drucker
book cover
1. The cover of the book The Practice of Management by Peter F. Drucker

Dulis first time in 1954, but it has strong relevance to the real world of management premises. There are three isis POKO dlam this book, namely managing business, managing managers and managing employees and works.

The author has written more than 15 books, is not it but to tulisannnya this time was the god of management.

2.Good to Great by Jim Collins
book cover
cover book Good to Great by Jim Collinsusaha rumahan

This book has topped bestseller submarine months. This is a very important question to answer for, ie what key succes factor can remedy membangunsebuah great company?

Many observations made to dpat write a key as well as the factors that contribute to trigger the growth of a great companies.

3.Juran's Quality Handbook by Joseph Juran

book cover
book cover Juran's Quality Handbook by Joseph Juran

In this book, Joseph explains in depth and menyelurh about the quality of the management and its application in the business world.

Many large companies who should be grateful to this book, and anyone who built a company in the quality excellence required to read this book.

4. The Human Side of Enterprise by Douglas McGregor
book cover
the cover of the book The Human Side of Enterprise by Douglas McGregor

Is the classic book written in 1960 whose author is a store raksas in the field of organizational psychology.

Whose principal language is still very useful form, to stimulate the maximum potential so that they can grow into happy, productive and satisfied. Even though its been written 40 years ago this book should not be your leawtkan.bisnis rumahan

5.Winning by Jack Welch
book cover
cover book Winning by Jack Welch

This book was written based on the experience of the author sebdiri ie from GE boss Jack Welch (1981-2001). Is one of the practitioners who can never have mandapat title of Best CEO in Century by the magazine Business Week.

In this book explores themes such manajemn practices, such as how best to manage great poeple, as well as strategies for developing future leaders.

6.Management 3.0 by Jurgen Appelo
book cover
cover book Management 3.0 by Jurgen Appelo

In this book of Jurgen Appelo describes some of the key themes such as elementary from a oraganisasi, pokonya in this book is very important for you to read in order to gain success.

Especially for those of you who are just learning for a large company and wished success.

3 Easy Steps to Right Management Salary

Surely any management or leader will take into account how the salary will be given to the employee. Or at the business where only two people where one person is the only capital and labor must be the percentage of salary diperhutngkan.

Here will membahsa payroll management, to be able to memafaatkan salary until their next paycheck. You've heard 50:30:20 sharing system? Or already but not yet menarapkannya?

Dsistem This is one way in which proven effective to apply to your financial planning, such as described in the book All Your Worth: The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan by Elizabeth Warren.peluang usaha

But here the division already cut taxes and others or Gaju clean. As quoted from if we have a salary of Rp4.000.00,00 the division, as follows:

1.Pengeluaran Mandatory (50%)
After you earn your salary net then set aside for the purposes of your mandatory. Bleak payment of electricity, water, insurance and so on. The amount of approximately 50%, when we got the gai Rp4,000,000 Rp2,000,000.

management salaries
people who are making the management planning (image: Google)

Additional 2.Pengeluaran (30%)
Setealh you devote gai 50% then you will also need to devote a total of 30% for additional purposes. Continues to what?

The additional purposes can be used for unexpected events, buy a toy for the baby, as well as for the additional expenditure waib when needed.

Well if your salary Rp4,000,000 then additional pengeluarana sebesara RP1.200.000. and make sure that these funds must be used when discharged, or there is an urgent need.cara membuat email

3.Pengeluaran for investment or savings (20%)
Surely every man kana aging and eventual retirement. If you work in the civil service is not a problem, but if the private sector then this should be noted.

We need to prepare to have retired then we need to save to be able to survive after retirement nanati. Or funds are used to open a business again let me earn a living.

No matter how small your savings when routine then long to be great and you will benefit the most when needed. The amount is 20%, if the amount of Rp4,000,000 salary is Rp800,000.

So are tips for your financial mengeloal. But it only partially an example, since it all depends on you all the menalankan. There also will menyisishkan 25% for savings, since it is an adjustment of your salary as well.siklus akuntansi

How Management of Zakat and Waqf

For Muslims perform charity law is mandatory for those who are able, but here is not the same sense capable of Haj. There are some provisions of those who were obliged to issue, receive, and objects that are required in zakati.siklus akuntansi

As quoted from charity is memebrikan sebgaian treasure maa has reached reckoning and haul to the person entitled to remedy menerinma premises given requirements.

Well nisab snedirir a certain size of the property where it had been obliged to remedy Zakat, while the haul is running even the religion of Islam zakat tahun.dalm dpat means cleanliness, then the charity is able to clean up what is Zakat.

When we look in terms of the language comes from the zakat kaa "zaka" that has meaning blessing, grow, good and clean. Meanwhile, when visiting in terms of jurisprudence it means is seumlah Harata which are required by God to be given to the person entitled.

time management
manjemen make a good time to be able to do useful (image: Google)

For those who called with muzakki compulsory zakat, while menerimnay is mustahiq. In the Al-Quran surah Al-Baqarah verse 110 is described as follows:

"And establish prayer and pay the poor zaat. SAA and whatever good you bring forth for you, of course you will mendpat his reward with Allah. Verily Allah doth see anything you do. "

"Take alms of their wealth, the charity that you cleanse and purify them and pray for them. Surely prayer you that (a) the tranquility of life for them. And Allah heard the Knower. "(Surat at-Tawbah (9): 103)pengertian akuntansi

The property which is required to dizkati:

Harat precious (gold, silver, etc.)
Crops and plants (rice, wheat, dates, grapes, etc.)
Binanatang livestock (camels, cattle, goats, etc.)
treasure trade
Excavated treasures also include a treasure rikaz
Once we know the things that are required of Zakat, mak we need to know who has the right group or person receives zakat. There are 8 people who are eligible to receive zakat, namely:

Fakir, people who do not have and do not also trying
The poor, those who earn less for life, so it is always dlam state kekuranagn
Amil, people who take care of either collecting zakat to charity mebagikan
Muslim convert, a new convert to Islam and which faith is weak
Riqab, slaves were given freedom trying to become a free man
Gharim, debtors who could not pay
Fi sabillah, people who fight in Allah's way for the sake of upholding Islam
Ibnussabil, people who ran out of biatya dlam journey which aims well
After Islam entered Indonesia donation, charity, alms seta is where the source of funds used for the development of Islam and the Indonesian struggle against the Dutch during the colonial era.contoh laporan keuangan

And the Netherlands to worry if this is not set then it will make them lose, finally on August 4, 1938 in the Netherlands issued a policy to regulate zakat bserta kawanya friends. Belandapun prohibits employees and peribumi to assist the implementation of zakat.

This makes an impact for zakat dropped dramatically, so tuuan Belandapu succeed. Well after independence, in Acehlah the only body authorized administrators zakat. After the new order of the newly formed entity amyl various provinces.

For the management of zakat needed some principle of the following:

The management is based on the Quran and the Sunnahcara membuat instagram

Using modern management and administration
The management board should be able to manage as possible.
Amil also must hold with the aim pengeloalaan zakat form:

Can raise the dignity and the dignity of the poor fakor seta helped her out of the ravine trouble
Bridge the gap between the poor and the rich
Increase the greatness of Islam
Helping to solve problems for mustahik
Pick-dignity for the country
Creating prosperity and social justice
When executed properly then zakat zakat in can clean iwa possessions. For the soul itself dpat avoid overbearing sense of envy and others. For snediri treasure will be a blessing again.

EO successive key, skewering Management

What terbesit in our mind when hearing the word event organizer? Definitely will immediately think oarng ones managing the event. People who are involved in the world of this EO definitely need manajemn excellent.

Why is that? We are trying to think, a company EO certainly not only handle an event just right. Surely more than one and also possibly the bersamaa event, it must be an EO firms in need of a good management and systematic.

As the quote from, as expressed Intan Linggarti which is the Coordinator of the Workshop "Event Maximum, Optimal Management" at an event Department of Communication Studies, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.strategi pemasaran

Menuerut him, the services of EO event organizers it is a service which requires a systematic management as well as the need perseverance, because in a company EO it requires the cooperation of the team.

EO management
use the existing momentum (Image: Google)

That is because the profession will be found deadine, target, scdheduling, pressure, teamwork and solidarity. Well EO also required in order to organize a successful event by using a concept and guidelines for working professionals.

He also said, "The concept of this EO is known by Indonesia in the 1990s, which became popular in atahun 1998 after the economic crisis era. Karana banayak labor need another livelihood, well one of them is the EO itself.manajemen keuangan

To be able to establish an EO own business there are things that need we noticed such a network (network), capital that we have, human resources dianamis, easy to work in teams, as well as a hard worker, kreatis, innovative. We must also be sensitive to any developments because it was a key to success of EO. "

In the event, the expectations of IK UMY is that the students get a new science to be able to carry out a good show as well as optimal. And also without leaving a supporter of good management as well as an optimization of the success of the event.

While the speaker in the workshop were Pmebicara of Indonesia Reggae Community (IRC) named Wobal. He explained bawasannya an EO must consider several things.

Well one thing to note is the proposal. Surely you wonder why not another proposal. Penjelasnnya is this proposal is the first time will attract clients to help by using our EO.kerja sampingan

So in the proposal instead of a lot of writing, but offers a creative and supported by the ability to present the concept of the show that we created earlier.

The next thing to consider is the promotion Yag, like any other item Eo services also requires sebauh sale to be recognized by consumers. In this case Wobal explained that the promotion is done the same with other promotional products.

This promotion dpat form of banners, banners, brochures, and others. Well its not Klah importance is a company EO should be partnering or menggnadeng media partner. It is very necessary by an EO.

Thus the explanation of management sitemetis contained in EO. Hopefully useful article. So, I'll see you on the other artkel.

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